Columbiana County Agriculture
Hall of Fame
Working together, The Columbiana County Historical Association, The Columbiana County Agricultural Society and the Columbiana County Farm Bureau enshrined it’s first class to The Columbiana County Agriculture Hall of Fame in 2000. Every year since, there have been numerous individuals inducted into the Hall of Fame, which makes it’s home in the Arts & Crafts Bldg. at the fairgrounds. The contributions of these individuals are spotlighted each year in a ceremony held on Tuesday morning during the fair in which the enshrinees’ families are honored and a framed biographical sketch or portrait of each inductee is unveiled.
If you know of someone you would like to nominate as a candidate for this prestigious award, please download the form by clicking on the button labeled "application" and return it.
The nominee must have been a member of the agricultural community or contributed significantly to agriculture. This award recognizes deceased members of the agricultural community, and the award is presented post-humously.