It’s that time of year again! Preparations for the “179th Columbiana County Fair” are under way, and we couldn't be more excited or happier!
We are asking for your consideration in joining us as a sponsor. The advertisements and sponsorships we sell help defray the costs to operate the fair every year and support a fair we can all be proud of and that will last for many generations to come.
We offer several different ways for you, as a business or an individual, to be a part of this annual summertime celebration. Because of the many generous community minded supporters like you, we can provide Columbiana County with the best county fair in Ohio! We are very grateful for the community support given through the years and hope that you will consider taking advantage of some of the different options available.
There are many advantages of fair sponsorships. Supporting an exciting, old-fashioned country fair creates a positive environment, associating your company with wholesome family fun, great entertainment and pride for local family farms and agriculture. Your good will demonstrates community connectedness that is priceless. Fair sponsorships are very cost-effective, reaching nearly 40,000 people in one week and attracting everyone of all ages.
Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to advertise your business.
Please find below, a listing of the sponsorship and advertising opportunities available this year. If you are interested in supporting our fair, please complete the form and return to the fair office, along with your payment made payable to the Columbiana County Fair; or you may indicate your choice(s) on the form, mail or email it to the fair office and an invoice will be mailed to you.
Please call if you have any questions (office) 330-424-5531, (cell) 330-881-3219.
Your consideration is greatly appreciated!